For a company with which you are familiar with, review the six strategy definition choices.

12:23 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

The world's largest express and logistics Network

DHL is the global market leader in international express, overland transport and air freight. It is also the world's number 1 in ocean freight and contract logistics. DHL offers a full range of customized solutions - from express document shipping to supply chain management.

Decision 1. Target market strategies

The first key decision involves the evaluation and selection of appropriate segments and the development of appropriate offers.

Decision 2. Positioning and differentiation strategies.

Deise et al. (2000) have suggested that, in an online context, retailers can position their products relative to competitor offerings according to four main variables: product quality, service quality, price and fulfillment time. They suggest it is useful to review these as an equation of how they combine to influence customer perceptions of value or brand.

Product quality * Service quality

Customer value (brand perception) = ---------------------------------------

Price * Fulfillment time

These positioning options have much in common with Porter’s competitive strategies of cost leadership, product differentiation and innovation

The aim of positioning is to develop a perceived differential advantage over rivals’ products. In an e-marketing context the differential advantage and positioning can be clarified and communicated by developing an online customer value proposition (OVP).

Decision 3. Resourcing - Internet marketing priorities

Internet marketing priorities have been summarised by Gulati and Garino (2000) as ‘Getting the Right Mix of Bricks and Clicks’. These expressions have been used to refer to traditional ‘bricks and mortar’ enterprises with a physical presence, but limited Internet presence. In the UK, an example of a ‘Bricks and Mortar’ store would be the bookseller Waterstones (, that when it ventured online would become ‘Clicks and Mortar’.

Decision 4. CRM focus and financial control

A further strategic decision is the balance on investment on customer acquisition and retention. Many startup companies have invested primarily on customer acquisition. This resulted in a cost of customer acquisition of hundreds of pounds, euros or dollars which was impossible to recoup without effective retention strategies. For existing companies, there is a decision whether to focus expenditure on strategies for customer acquisition, customer retention or to use a balanced approach.

Decision 5. Market and product development strategies

E-commerce also offers opportunities to expand the scope of a business into new markets and products. As for decision 1 the decision is a balance between fear of the do-nothing option and fear of poor return on investment for strategies that fail. The Ansoff matrix is still useful as a means for marketers to discuss market and product development using electronic technologies. It highlights these options:

1. Market penetration. Digital channels can be used to sell more existing products into existing markets. This is a relatively conservative use of the Internet.

2. Market development. Here online channels are used to sell into new markets, taking advantage of the low cost of advertising internationally without the necessity for a supporting sales infrastructure. This is a relatively conservative use of the Internet, but is a great opportunity for SMEs to increase exports at a low cost, but it does require overcoming the barriers to exporting.

3. Product development. New digital products or services can be developed that can be delivered by the Internet. These are typically information products, for example online trade magazine Construction Weekly has diversified to a B2B portal Construction Plus ( which has new revenue streams. This is innovative use of the Internet.

Decision 6. Business and revenue models including the marketing mix

A further aspect of Internet strategy formulation is review of opportunities from new business and revenue models. A business model is a summary of how a company will generate revenue, its target customers, core product offering, value-added services and partnership arrangements.

Evaluating new models is important since, if companies do not innovate, then competitors and new entrants will and companies will find it difficult to regain the initiative. Equally, if inappropriate business or distribution models are chosen, then companies may make substantial losses.

why a permission marketing approach is required for a B2C site?

4:07 AM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
Menurut para pakar, salah satu cara terbaik untuk mempromosikan website ataupun blog, yaitu menggunakan teknik permission marketing. Bahkan konon, permission marketing telah menjadi hal yang wajib diketahui dan dipelajari oleh mereka yang sedang menekuni bidang internet marketing.

Apa, kenapa, dan bagaimana permission marketing itu sebenarnya? Keistimewaan apa yang dimilikinya? Bagaimana cara orang melakukannya? Siapa saja yang mampu melakukannya? Siapa target dan sasarannya? Kapan sebaiknya teknik internet marketing ini digunakan? Dan bagaimana cara menggunakannya?

Berdasarkan info yang kami dapat, permission marketing itu boleh dilakukan oleh siapa saja. Siapapun yang ingin mempromosikan website, blog, produk, atau jasa melalui internet, bebas untuk menggunakan cara ini.

Untuk melakukan permission marketing, terlebih dulu sang pelaku wajib mendapatkan ijin dari orang-orang yang menjadi targetnya? Siapa targetnya? Yaitu kelompok orang yang rutin menggunakan internet, dan rajin membaca email. Kewajiban ini dimaksudkan agar si pelaku permission marketing tidak dianggap sebagai oknum atau spammer.

Bagaimana caranya? Menurut info, untuk bisa melakukan permission marketing, si pelaku setidaknya harus memiliki website, blog, atau resource jenis apapun yand ada di internet. Buat apa'an? Gunanya, untuk mencari, menarik perhatian, menyeleksi, lalu mengoleksi alamat-alamat email dari orang-orang yang menjadi targetnya.

Selain memiliki resource di internet, si pelaku juga harus pandai-pandai membujuk, meyakinkan, dan mencari cara agar sang target mau dan sukarela memberikan alamat emailnya. Kenapa harus dengan sukarela? Sebab, dengan mendapatkan rasa suka itu, secara simbolis sang pemilik email telah memberikan ijinnya kepada si pelaku.

Ijin buat apa'an? Yaaa.. itu tadi, ijin buat melakukan marketing. Emang mau marketing-in apa'an? Itu tergantung tujuan si pelaku, mau ngapain di melakukan permission marketing. Misalnya, mempromosikan produk atau jasa dari program affiliasi, menginformasikan postingan terbaru dari website ataupun blognya, dan lain-lain.

Terus? Setelah ijin didapat, barulah sang pelaku dapat melakukan teknik-teknik marketing berikutnya. Teknik berikutnya? Yep, secara teratur dan terencana, sang pelaku akan mengirimkan email yang berisi info-info menarik seputar topik yang menjadi pilihannya. Itu ditujukan agar sang target akhirnya mau mengikuti keinginan sang pelaku.

Emang, maunya si pelaku itu apa'an? Itu tergantung. Tergantung dimana? Bukan dimana, tapi kemana. Maksud lo? Tergantung dari mau kemana si pelaku tadi ingin mengarahkan sang target. Juga, tergantung dari reaksi apa yang ingin si pelaku dapatkan dari orang-orang yang menjadi target marketingnya.

Misalnya, katakanlah sang pelaku tadi adalah seorang blogger yang ingin blognya secara teratur di kunjungi oleh orang-orang yang menjadi targetnya. Berarti melalui teknik permission marketing, sang blogger tadi akan berupaya agar orang yang menjadi target merasa tertarik untuk berkunjung setiap kali sang blogger membuat tulisan.

Contoh lain, katakahlah sang pelaku tadi adalah seorang affiliasi yang ingin menjual produk atau jasa dari program affiliasi yang diikutinya. Berarti, melalui teknik permission marketing ini, si pelaku tadi akan berupaya agar para targetnya tertarik untuk membeli produk atau jasa yang sedang dipromosikannya.

Seberapa efektif teknik permission marketing ini? Itu tergantung dari seberapa baik kamu melakukannya. Kapan sebaiknya teknik marketing ini dilakukan? Kapan pun kau menginginkannya. Tapi semakin cepat semakin baik. Lalu, bagaimana cara melakukannya? Apa yang harus dipersiapkan?

Yaa... itu tadi. Yang pertama tujuan, atau misi. Yang kedua, sebuah resource di internet. Baik yang berupa website, blog, atau apapun yang bisa menjadi sarana untuk mengumpulkan alamat email. Dan yang ketiga, sebuah sistem yang berfungsi untuk mengirim email kepada orang-orang yang telah memberikan ijinnya kepada mu.

BCA dan Internet Banking

3:34 AM Posted In , , Edit This 0 Comments »
"Select a particular market sector and assess the past, current and future customer use of the Internet as a medium to select and buy products."Pada artikel ini, saya ingin membahas mengenai BCA, yaitu salah satu pionir bank di Indonesia yang memperkenalkan internet banking. Pada awalnya, orang melakukan transaksi debit,kredit,transfer,pembayaran,dll harus datang ke bank, mengisi formulir, dan antri.

Sejalan dengan deregulasi sektor perbankan di Indonesia, BCA mengembangkan jaringan kantor cabang secara luas. BCA mengembangkan berbagai produk dan layanan maupun penerapan teknologi informasi, seperti menerapkan online system untuk Jaringan Kantor Cabang BCA; meluncurkan Tabungan Hari Depan (Tahapan) BCA, dan lain-lain.

BCA mengembangkan alternatif jaringan layanan melalui ATM BCA (Anjungan Tunai Mandiri atau Automated Teller Machine) yang berkembang secara pesat. Pada tahun 1991, BCA mulai menempatkan 50 unit ATM di berbagai tempat di Jakarta. Pengembangan jaringan dan fitur ATM dilakukan secara terus menerus dan intensif. BCA menjalin kerjasama dengan institusi terkemuka, antara lain PT Telkom untuk pembayaran tagihan telepon melalui ATM BCA. BCA juga bekerja sama dengan Citibank agar nasabah BCA pemegang kartu kredit Citibank dapat melakukan pembayaran tagihan melalui ATM BCA.

Pengembangan Bisnis pada periode 2000an membuat BCA membuat terobosan-terobosan baru dalam hal layanannya. Yang saat itu adalah momentum " dot-com bubble" , sehingga BCA semakin ingin maju dan berkembang untuk menjadi bank dengan layanan lebih dari bank yang lain.
Tahun 2001, Bank Sentral Asia (BCA) merupakan Bank Indonesia yang berani mengoperasikan e-Banking secara masif di Indonesia. Yang di amankan dengan enkripsi SSL 128bit dan fasilitas firewall pada situsnya. Situs KlikBCA sendiri relatif sukar di bobol, maka serang lebih banyak di arahkan ke pelanggan BCA. Serangan pembobolan yang sering dilakukan kebanyakan menggunakan teknik social engineering. Tidak mengherankan, KlikBCA belakangan menggunakan teknologi One Time Password (OTP) melalui KeyBCA dalam mengauthentikasi customer yang ingin melakukan transaksi.


6:54 PM Posted In Edit This 2 Comments »
What is eProcurement?

Purchasing and IT organizations are continuously looking to improve the purchasing practices and systems they use to improve the efficiencies and minimize the spend. The recent economic downturn has helped organizations to be more cost-conscious. The software industry has responded to this business need by producing software systems along the lines of industry best practices of purchasing. They come in different forms (providing various functionalities of purchasing) and names such as eProcurement, Supply Chain Management, Supplier Relationship Management Systems, Strategic Sourcing, Spend Management Systems etc.
E-procurement procedure
(click for bigger picture)

These systems provide buying organizations with:

  • Easy to use tools to buy, transact and communicate with trading partners over the internet
  • An integrated system of strategic sourcing and supplier relationship management
  • Ability to integrate with the back end enterprise systems or home grown applications
  • Ease and speed of getting suppliers on board
  • Cost-effective administration and maintenance of an eProcurement system
E-procurement life cycle
(click for bigger picture)

Benefits of eProcurement

In the process efficiently managing their spend, buying organizations are adopting eProcurement and related business processes and technologies. By doing so, they are seeing the following benefits:

  • Procurement Process Efficiencies
  • Shorten Order cycles: Streamline and standardize procurement processes while enforcing corporate policies
  • Lower administrative costs: Reduce procurement transaction costs and order cycle times through automation of manual processes
  • Realize volume benefits
  • Reduce maverick spending
  • Reduce inventory costs: Eliminates the need to stockpile supplies to cover the inefficiencies of a manual process
  • Improve strategic sourcing: Captures spend data and enables purchasing department to focus more on strategic tasks than on merely handling transaction processes
  • Reduce order errors and RTVs: Using pre-sourced, pre-approved supplier catalogs and utilizing direct electronic communication to dispatch the orders reduces end-user errors
  • Rationalize and manage supplier relationships
  • More spend visibility across the organization
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Retail E-Commerce

8:37 PM Posted In , , Edit This 0 Comments »

Not only are online shoppers spending more online, they are buying more different types of goods. Consumers are now buying big-ticket items on the Internet like refrigerators and treadmills, and even luxury goods such as designer apparel and jewelry. This opens new possibilities for creative Web retailers.
The US Retail E-Commerce report looks at how online sales are becoming an ever more significant of the country's retail sector.

eMarketer estimates that retail e-commerce sales will increase an average 18.6% per year between 2005 and 2009 — that's strong growth, but still a downturn from the 26% annual rate seen between 2001 and 2005. It is not a cause for concern, however, but a sign of a maturing e-commerce marketplace. Still, exciting developments are taking place on the market's edge, where small Web retailers are emerging to meet the needs of shoppers with special needs and interests.

E commerce 2.0
A few years ago, Tim O’Reilly introduced the concept of Web 2.0 to make sense out of what was next for software solutions. Web 2.0 explains how the realities of tomorrow will change how software solutions are designed, created, and used.

By examining and extrapolating Web 2.0 principles, I began to see that they had important implications for online retailing. This is ultimately where the concept of eCommerce 2.0, and the Six Principles of eCommerce 2.0, comes from.

Understanding the new possibilities for software—and what principles are applied in creating it—is the foundation for understanding the future of eCommerce. It is also the foundation for taking advantage of eCommerce 2.0 principles and the new trends they drive. The Six Principles of eCommerce 2.0 Just as Web 2.0 is altering the software development landscape, the principles of eCommerce 2.0 will define how eTailers do business online.

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7:37 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Tipe dan lokasi e-commerce transitions
Siapa yang tidak kenal Bagi mereka yang butuh peralatan komputer, dikenal sebagai toko komputer. Itulah sebabnya banyak perusahaan mencari berbagai peralatan komputer, PC atau laptop atau gadget lainnya ke Perusahaan satu ini juga menyediakan berbagai gadget elektronik dan aksesoris lainnya. Sejarah awal bisnis yang mengusung nama PT Bhinneka Mentari Dimensi adalah menggeluti produk kategori printing. Namun terus bergerak sebagai provider perangkat komputasi dan gadgetnya.

Ada suatu pertanyaan. Kenapa calon pembeli mudah menemukan barang yang diinginkan hanya dengan melalui ? Karena pasar Anda adalah frase atau kata-kata, karena itu Anda harus mampu menebak apa yang bakal diketikkan di mesin pencari pada saat orang mengetikkan produk Anda, halnya sama bila Anda ingin mencari :
  • toko komputer
  • toko komputer online
  • toko komputer indonesia
  • jual komputer online
  • jual server
  • jual server extron
ditambah lagi juga mendatangkan pembeli lewat iklan teks (PPC), dan mereka membeli links text dari adwords Google lebih banyak dibandingkan natural listings dari frase keyword mereka.

Bisnis dan revenue model Bhinneka.Com
Bisnis yang diterapkan Bhinneka.Com adalah murni bisnis e commerce menggunakan toko online sebagai sarana media pemasaran. Dengan semakin beratnya persaingan toko online komputer di Indonesia, Bhinneka. Com menggandeng brand-brand hardware dan software yang sudah memiliki kredibilitas yang bagus di mata konsumen Indonesia, seperti Microsot, HP, IBM, Cisco, Kapersky, Lenovo, Oracle. Sehingga pondasi bisnis yang dibuat oleh Bhinneka. Com di mata konsumen Indonesia memiliki nilai lebih dari sekedar menjual hardware dan software. Revenue Model dari Bhinneka.Com masi bisa dikatakan pada umumnya. Sistem pembayaran COD (Cash on Delivery), Transfer Bank (Internet Banking, Mobile Banking), maupun yang menggunakan sistem kredit pada umumnya telah diterapkan di toko-toko komputer pada umumnya. Sehingga hal ini menjadi model yang standar untuk diterapkan.

my 1st blog

8:11 AM Edit This 1 Comment »
hmmm..... this is gonna be my 1st blog. what to say? dont know yet. what to tell? not clear. anyhoo........ I just wanna write about something that's been bugging me for this past few days. This is the biggest dilemma in my life, whether to chase something that I really want or just to stay put right where I am today.
However, the most confusing part is whenever I decided to stay put, something good will come, opportunities are suddenly like saying that they have an open space for me. Gosh...... it's really confusing. Sometimes, I feel like screaming, but I know that I can't do that, since I live in a building with full of people around, LoL.
Soooo....... Hopefully by the end of January, I would be able to make up my mind. If it's not for that perfect person that has entered my life, I wouldn't be like this. He makes me strong, he keeps telling me that even I'm having the worst time in my life today, there"ll always be a rainbow to color my day. Gosh, how am I supposed to refuse something as beautiful as this? ........

Anyway, that's the end of my blog. Comments and questions are very very welcome