
7:37 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Tipe dan lokasi e-commerce transitions
Siapa yang tidak kenal Bagi mereka yang butuh peralatan komputer, dikenal sebagai toko komputer. Itulah sebabnya banyak perusahaan mencari berbagai peralatan komputer, PC atau laptop atau gadget lainnya ke Perusahaan satu ini juga menyediakan berbagai gadget elektronik dan aksesoris lainnya. Sejarah awal bisnis yang mengusung nama PT Bhinneka Mentari Dimensi adalah menggeluti produk kategori printing. Namun terus bergerak sebagai provider perangkat komputasi dan gadgetnya.

Ada suatu pertanyaan. Kenapa calon pembeli mudah menemukan barang yang diinginkan hanya dengan melalui ? Karena pasar Anda adalah frase atau kata-kata, karena itu Anda harus mampu menebak apa yang bakal diketikkan di mesin pencari pada saat orang mengetikkan produk Anda, halnya sama bila Anda ingin mencari :
  • toko komputer
  • toko komputer online
  • toko komputer indonesia
  • jual komputer online
  • jual server
  • jual server extron
ditambah lagi juga mendatangkan pembeli lewat iklan teks (PPC), dan mereka membeli links text dari adwords Google lebih banyak dibandingkan natural listings dari frase keyword mereka.

Bisnis dan revenue model Bhinneka.Com
Bisnis yang diterapkan Bhinneka.Com adalah murni bisnis e commerce menggunakan toko online sebagai sarana media pemasaran. Dengan semakin beratnya persaingan toko online komputer di Indonesia, Bhinneka. Com menggandeng brand-brand hardware dan software yang sudah memiliki kredibilitas yang bagus di mata konsumen Indonesia, seperti Microsot, HP, IBM, Cisco, Kapersky, Lenovo, Oracle. Sehingga pondasi bisnis yang dibuat oleh Bhinneka. Com di mata konsumen Indonesia memiliki nilai lebih dari sekedar menjual hardware dan software. Revenue Model dari Bhinneka.Com masi bisa dikatakan pada umumnya. Sistem pembayaran COD (Cash on Delivery), Transfer Bank (Internet Banking, Mobile Banking), maupun yang menggunakan sistem kredit pada umumnya telah diterapkan di toko-toko komputer pada umumnya. Sehingga hal ini menjadi model yang standar untuk diterapkan.

my 1st blog

8:11 AM Edit This 1 Comment »
hmmm..... this is gonna be my 1st blog. what to say? dont know yet. what to tell? not clear. anyhoo........ I just wanna write about something that's been bugging me for this past few days. This is the biggest dilemma in my life, whether to chase something that I really want or just to stay put right where I am today.
However, the most confusing part is whenever I decided to stay put, something good will come, opportunities are suddenly like saying that they have an open space for me. Gosh...... it's really confusing. Sometimes, I feel like screaming, but I know that I can't do that, since I live in a building with full of people around, LoL.
Soooo....... Hopefully by the end of January, I would be able to make up my mind. If it's not for that perfect person that has entered my life, I wouldn't be like this. He makes me strong, he keeps telling me that even I'm having the worst time in my life today, there"ll always be a rainbow to color my day. Gosh, how am I supposed to refuse something as beautiful as this? ........

Anyway, that's the end of my blog. Comments and questions are very very welcome

Meta Data Services

8:09 AM Posted In , , Edit This 0 Comments »

Meta Data Services is an object-oriented repository technology that can be integrated with enterprise information systems or with applications that process metadata.

A number of Microsoft technologies use Meta Data Services as a native store for object definitions or as a platform for deploying metadata. One of the ways in which Microsoft SQL Server 2000 uses Meta Data Services is to store versioned DTS Packages. In Microsoft Visual Studio Meta Data Services supports the exchange of model data with other development tools.
Metadata Services Architecture

You can use Meta Data Services for your own purposes: as a component of an integrated information system, as a native store for custom applications that process metadata, or as a storage and management service for sharing reusable models. You can also extend Meta Data Services to provide support for new tools for resale or customize it to satisfy internal tool requirements.

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